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End Time Message

Sun, Jul 14, 2024

Oneness with God Pt.2

Duration:1 hr 32 mins 1 sec

Oneness with God – Message Study Pt.2

PSALM 107:43

     43   Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.

To truly know a person, you must come into a greater understand of their innermost thoughts – the more that a person reveals of themselves, the more you can truly know them. So if we are to truly understand the lovingkindness of the LORD, then we will need to be apart of an ongoing relationship with Him of the revealing of His eternal thoughts to us.

**There have been many people over the centuries of time that have walked close to God – look at King David and his relationship with the Lord.

But in these last days, and under this end time prophetic ministry, there has been (as it were) a portal opened up to us to be able to walk with God in agreement at a higher level of His truth that He is unfolding to us that mankind has never known before – remember, that all the prophets and sages looked forward to this time.

LEVITICUS 16:33-34

     33   And he shall make an atonement for the holy sanctuary, and he shall make an atonement for the tabernacle of the congregation, and for the altar, and he shall make an atonement for the priests, and for all the people of the congregation.

     34   And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year. And he did as the LORD commanded Moses.

Notice – for all the people, and for all their sins… regardless of who they are or weather they are aware of it or not.

The word atone means “to cover”. Another popular definition for the word atonement is “at-one-ment”; in other words, it is the way that we are made one with God from the condition of when we used to be alienated from Him by our sins, to being fully reconciled to Him again in perfect agreement.

Oneness with God Pt.2

*We want to first talk a little about this word “atonement”, because we are speaking on oneness with God, and reconciliation of man back to God can only be made possible by the atonement - At one with God. God and man fully reconciled in fellowship again.

*This Day of Atonement here in Leviticus 16 was a yearly sacrifice orchestrated by God as a blanket covering for the sins of every single person “for ALL the people, and ALL their sins” for an entire year. But the sacrifice of the blood of Christ doesn’t just cover our sins for a year, it eternally annihilates them.

*So this day of atonement “ritual” is showing us a great mystery of what Christ has done for us as our high priest with the offering of His own blood – and so because of this, we know that even all the little babies and children that die before the age of accountability are all saved because they are automatically covered under this blanket covenant of the atoning blood of Christ – this is what Leviticus 16 is showing us in type of what was to be a far more powerful covenant in the future.


E-7   I'll say this by the authority of God's Word. Every baby that's under the age of accountability, dies, goes to glory. Yes, sir. Christ died to take away the sin of the world. And when you come to the age of accountability... We were all born in sin. But when He died, He taken away the sin. And when you come to the age of accountability, then you're responsible from then on.

*In other words – the default state is that every single human being that has ever been born into the world, their sin is completely covered by the blood of Christ from the day they are born, this is how powerful and all encompassing the sacrifice of Christ is – it is a once forever sacrifice. HEBREWS 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;

But when a person comes into a statice of free moral agency, then that have the right and are able to reject that default state of their forgiveness.

*As a free moral agent that is free to choose, people have been given a right by God to reject the sacrifice of Christ of what He did for them on their behalf if they want to.

*This is very important for us to understand (that the default state of a person is that they are covered by the atonement of Christ), because this explains how that there is able to be so many other different categories of people who will be saved outside of the bride category – like those who do good to the bride in Mathew 25, and the Jews under the altar of what the opening of the 5th seal mystery revealed, all of these people under these categories will be saved and will live eternally in the kingdom of heaven, and in the position that they are ordained to be in by God – this is only made possible by the atonement of the blood of Jesus Christ, because Leviticus tells us that it is for all the people, and for all their sins…

In the Old Testament on the Day of Atonement (once a year), we know that the ceremony wasn’t complete until the high priest came out the second time as proof that the sins of the people had been forgiven. And so this translates into this end time age of when Christ is to appear the second time – and we have all be witnesses to this second appearing.


222     See, the atonement followed the... Watch now. The atonement followed the trumpet sound. See? How beautiful! See? The atonement day followed the trumpet.

The trumpets to Israel is what gathered them back to their home land in order for the seventh trumpet to be reveal of which is for them to recognize their true atonement which is Christ.

As a gentile people, we have also been gathered under our trumpet by and under our prophet by the sounding of a shout of an end time message that has gathered a gentile people in order for us to recognize our seventh seal which is our Atonement which is Christ.

It’s the parallel.

**In other words, we have been gathered by a trumpeting sound of the seventh angel’s voice so that we can recognize the full atonement of this hour that has given us access back to full fellowship with God.


155     ... Under the Seventh Trumpet, is to Israel the same as the Seventh Seal was to the Church.


158   It's been a bitter persecution against Israel (He is largely speaking of WW2 – the concentration camps), because it's been the time calling him now back to the Atonement. He is still under the atonement of a natural lamb. The real Lamb of God is the Atonement, and he has rejected It, and the Blood has been upon him ever since. Notice, making ready the people! How perfect then the Seventh Trumpet and the Seventh Seal is, perfectly together, the persecution of the Jews.

This subject of “Atonement” is something that is very relevant for us at this time – On the day of Atonement in the Old Testament, the priest would go into the Holiest of Holies twice on that same day, first for his own acceptance, and then for the acceptance of the people. And we know that this is a prophecy that is being fulfilled in this hour at the second appearing of Christ in these last days – because as with the Old Testament priest, it is only upon His second appearing, that we can be completely sure that our sins have been eternal annihilated and full access and fellowship with God has been made available to us again. Hi second appearing completes His atoning work so that we can now legally enter fully back into fellowship with God again – oneness with God.


     28   So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

**The sounding of the trumpets for the Jews of their persecution of WW1 and WW2 put them back in their homeland so that they could recognize their true atonement, not the blood of bulls and goats, but the blood of Christ. So has an end time gentile people heard a trumpeting message also that has gathered them together to recognize the true atonement of the Mighty God unveiled before us – for the purpose of restoring us back into a full fellowship of oneness between God and man again.


192   But the Bride can walk with the Word, which is Christ. It must be in agreement. Not the ecclesiastical system; but the Word. You have to agree with the Word, to walk with the Word. Jesus said so. That makes it right.


275     And the seventh angel's Message, under the same Trumpet, same everything exactly, the same Seal, is to (what?) call the people, the Bride, out of the Pentecostal and world tradition, to the genuine Atonement, the Word, Christ impersonated in His Word here, made flesh among us.


291     Now, the same as those two prophets did! Remember, the Gentile Bride is to have a prophet, called Elias, Elijah, that's to call them out of their traditions, the Bride; just the same as these prophets called Jews out of Judaism, to Christ, the Atonement. And the Gentiles already knows the Atonement, but it's to call the Bride back to the original Atonement, where these (fifty) sabbaths they... All these seven sabbaths that they have got away from; call them back to the end time. The seven... Listen! The Seventh Church messenger, the Seven Trumpet messenger, is all prophets. Now, that's right.

Injected, is the hundred and forty-four thousand.

292   Calling, the Seals, which was to the Gentiles. It had to be to the Gentiles, to open up to the Gentiles,

*So all this was for the purpose to restore back the right relationship between God and man, and uniting them in a marriage union again of man in fellowship with God in the same way that Adam had before the fall – this is the legal position that we have come to right now in this hour.

*But we have been so used to being under the old regime of being alienated from God, that we have to be “re-educated” of how to relate to our New Husband of the word.

**From last week we saw how that each step of the journey for Rebekah (from the well of where she first met Eliezer, to the field of where he introduces her to Isaac), she is always with Eliezer, but once Eliezer reveals Isaac to her, then it’s all about the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah, and its all about them getting to know each other, and for Rebekah to now change her thinking from being an independent single girl, to being a wife to Isaac.

Eliezer is now off the scene - his work is over, and a oneness of a marriage union becomes the climax of the entire purpose of everything that had taken place up to that point.


18   And it is the only grounds of fellowship that God has ever laid down for Himself and His church, is the oneness of Himself in the people. That's the only grounds of fellowship. And the only way that you can have those grounds is by a union to be united with Him forever. Just like when you unite with your husband, the woman to unite with her husband, it is a vow until death.

So right at the beginning of this message “Oneness with God”, Brother Branham is likening a natural marriage relationship to the oneness of how God and man are to become one in agreement in their relationship. And this is a key – the key is oneness, it is marriage, it is to be united with the giver of the gifts himself.


E-17   So we people are more or less going after gifts instead of the Giver. See? We must come back to the place where... You're wonderful people, but you must come back first. And the key that unlocks the door to everyone... We've left the key and rushed for the door. So when you get there, you find out the door don't open, because you haven't got the key.

**The key is divine love of a relationship of oneness with God like a marriage union.


     28   So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

     29   For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

     30   For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

     31   For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

     32   This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.


12   The word "oneness" means "to be one with: oneness, united," And now, this is quite a subject, and it--it deserves a lot more attention than I'm able to give it, and more than most any person on earth could be able to give. But I would like to express to you my opinion of it, and with what God will give us. Now, in this it's teaching doctrine. And to the brethren who may hear this tape, I trust that it will not be an offense, but it will be to cause you to take this very considerably, under consideration, rather, that you would study it prayerfully, carefully, and weigh it out in the balance of God's Word to see whether it be of God or not.

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