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End Time Message

Sun, Jul 21, 2024

Oneness with God Pt.3

Duration:1 hr 32 mins 59 secs

Oneness with God Pt.3


     11   And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

     12   For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

     13   Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (This word unity means “agreement” – “till we all come into the same agreement of the word – the same understanding”. People are gathered together by having the same understanding, by agreeing together, that is what brings oneness between people and groups, and this is also what brings oneness between God and man), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

LEVITICUS 16:33-34 (our opening scripture from last week)

     33   And he shall make an atonement for the holy sanctuary, and he shall make an atonement for the tabernacle of the congregation, and for the altar, and he shall make an atonement for the priests, and for all the people of the congregation.

     34    And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year. And he did as the LORD commanded Moses.


Oneness with God – Message Study Pt.3

*The only way that man could ever come back into a oneness with God, is by the atonement of the sacrifice of the blood of Christ.

*This Day of Atonement here in Leviticus 16 (we spoke on this last week), it was a yearly sacrifice ordained by God as a covering for all the sins of every single person of the nation of Israel “for ALL the people, and for ALL their sins” for the entire previous year.

*And when we think of how powerful the blood of just a single goat or bull could be so that it was able to do that, then how much greater would be the sacrifice of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ - it doesn’t just cover all of our sins for one year, but it annihilates them eternally both past, present, and future sins.



147   Now, notice. But now, in this, Jesus came and He was God. Not only the life of another man could come back on another man, but the very Life of God, making him a child of God, putting him back into the same union he was before the fall. Now, we're getting to real oneness.

People, somebody says to me, "Brother Branham, aren't you oneness?" Not the organization oneness. But I'm oneness with Christ (See?), but not the organization oneness.

He paid the debt of sin, now, in order to get oneness between God and man. Jesus could not do it as long as He was here in a body of flesh. So He had to become the complete sin-offering to take away the guilt of the believer (See?), take it away so that the Holy Ghost could come into man, and make man and God oneness again.


154   …The debt of sin was paid. Jesus had to do this to send the--the--the Holy Ghost back upon to unite people again like it was in the garden of Eden. The debt was paid when Jesus died. That settled it. Amen, brother. If I could only get it to soak in. See?

The debt is paid. Hallelujah to the Lamb. The debt is paid. And every man and woman hearing me this morning, or will hear me by the tape, your penalty is paid. Don't you disbelieve God's Word again. Come back to the Word. Don't believe it... He was the Word. Glory. I feel like shouting, honest I do. The penalty is paid. It's all over.


Picking up where we left off last week…


E-17   So we people are more or less going after gifts instead of the Giver. See? We must come back to the place where... You're wonderful people, but you must come back first. And the key that unlocks the door to everyone... We've left the key and rushed for the door. So when you get there, you find out the door don't open, because you haven't got the key.

**The key is divine love of a relationship of oneness with God like a marriage union.


     28   So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

     29   For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

     30   For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

     31   For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

     32   This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

One of the last sermons Brother Branham preached in 1965 was the message “Leadership”. You will be led by someone or something, that is for sure, even if it is your own deceptive heart – so you must decide who you will be led by, of who will be your “Husband”, of what you will make your absolute in life, and then you have to purpose in your heart to make that your guide, and to become one with that leadership in motive and in thought.


Changing direction a little…

**Mathew 24 was the opening of the seven seals, because in Mathew 24 Jesus unfolds the seven seals in prophecy form as he answers the three questions of the disciples. And He ends with “as it was in the days of Noah” which is the mystery of the 7th seal, the mystery of His coming, showing that his second coming would not be the revealing of himself in His corporal body form, but by the revealing of the word – “as light shines from the east to the west, so shall the coming of the son of man be”, and light is the revealing of the word into the hearts of people - a prophetic worldwide revelation in the end time, from east to west.

*So Revelation CH.6 and 8 were the sevens seals in symbol form, but Mathew 24 is the seven seals in word and prophecy form.

But after Mathew 24 (the opening of the seals), then comes Mathew 25, and when we get to Mathew 25, it begins with a call to a marriage – notice, a marriage mystery follows directly after the opening of the seven seals.

Mathew 25 is a mystery of a marriage event of a people that would go into this marriage, and marriage is oneness.

*And so Mathew 25 begins to open up a mystery of the bride that comes into oneness with Christ, it also opens up the mystery of some of the other categories of people that will receive eternal life of who will not be a part of this marriage oneness of the bride to Christ, but that will still receive eternal life under other categories such as the wise and foolish virgins and those that do good to the bride etc..


     8   And the foolish said unto the wise (***Notice here that the bible is showing us two different classes of relationship levels, because one group goes into the marriage relationship, and one group doesn’t, and the reason the foolish virgins don’t is because they couldn’t see their way in.

*Because we know that under this seventh seal mystery of the announcement of the coming of the bridegroom, in order to go into the marriage (of oneness with God) it requires your pathway to be illuminated by the revelation of the light for your age, and that is why the bible tells us that “at evening time, it shall be light”, because this light was necessary for the purpose so that the way of man could be illuminated back into a oneness relationship with God again, so that God and man could become one again.

**That is why that if you will just stay long enough with this message of the hour revelation, it will continue to shine light and illuminate your pathway all the way into the marriage of your relationship with you and God being eternally united together in fellowship again – exactly the same way that Adam had with God in Eden before the fall)    

8   And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. (Your lamp is your human spirit - Proverbs 20:27 "the spirit of man is the lamp of the LordAnd your spirit is made up of your Memory, Imagination, Conscience, Affection and Reasoning – so your lamp is to do with the realm of your mind (your thinking), your understanding.

**The oil for the light of a past age has run out and will not work for this new age, in that the revelation given for a past age that worked for that age will not work in this age because the light has moves on. We need the Holy Spirit to quicken and make clear to us the light for this hour.

JOB 32:8

     8   But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

The correct understanding from the Almighty puts you into oneness with God.

***It is the predestinated Holy Spirit gene of God that dwells in a person that continues to illuminate the truth to their mind and makes the word of this hour clear to them, and this was what the foolish virgins lacked – they lacked the continuation of the revelation of the word illuminating their pathway in the darkness of a Laodicean age.

**This is why they were unable to see their way into the marriage of a oneness relationship with the Lord - they couldn’t see their way due to a lack of light, and they lacked light because they lacked oil, and so they couldn’t come into an experience of oneness with God because they could not see their way into a relationship of a full agreement with the word.


But what about the true seed? It will happen just as we have said. The people of God are being made ready by the Word of Truth from the messenger to this age. In her will be the fulness of Pentecost for the Spirit will bring the people right back to where they were at the beginning. That is "Thus saith the Lord."


… God isn't going to plant a new Church, but is going to bring His original planting back to original seed. He is doing it as stated in verse 23, by the teaching, or "former" rain. Next will come the harvest rain or rapturing faith.

**Teaching first, and then the spirit revelation rain falls on that to produce rapturing faith.

What is the purpose of the word being restored back to us in this end time hour – it is for the purpose so that an “invisible union” can take place between the word and the individual (of our agreement with the fully restored word of this hour) – the marriage of the Lamb is come, and God and man are now able to be united as one again because of the word that we have in our midst in these last days.



14   Now, the first man and first woman in the garden of Eden was in perfect harmony with God, so much that God could come down at any time He desired and talk lip-to-ear with Adam and Eve. Now, that is perfect oneness: God and His creation, God speaking lip-to-ear with Adam and Eve. And they were so perfect in harmony with God till they were one with God. God and His family was one.

Any man and his family, a correct, good, noble, obedient family is one with another: any family. And if there's something in the family that moves them apart, then it's not right; the family's broken somewhere. They should all be one: father with mother, mother with father, children with parent, parent with children, all in agreement. And when you see that, you'll see one lovely picture.

16   That's God's purpose. And His purpose as Father supreme, was to be one with His family, earthly family, Adam and Eve. And the only way that they could be one with the family, or with God, was because God's nature was in them. So that made them with God's nature in them, then with each other and God, they become all one. Isn't that a beautiful picture, God in His family, Father over all, supreme, no death, no sorrow, no heartaches, no nothing, just joy unspeakable: never to be sick, never to have a heartache, just one with God. What a picture. Because the very nature of God was in these people. And therefore, what they did, they followed just in line with God, and God with them made them one.

20   Now, don't you see the great picture? We in flesh are different. We're like a byproduct, a created being by holy wedlock. But in Spirit we are sons and daughters, not some other spirit, but the Spirit of the living God. We are in His likeness, in His unity, in the perfect image of the living God, because we become sons and daughters; not separated, but the same Spirit, the same God, the same Person, joined in wedlock to the eternal. See how God planned it that we should be, not a different, but Him, not some other being of some other tribe, but a real union and offspring of the Almighty done by a holy union.


To be continued -the Lord willing...

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