Local Sermons
End Time Message

Duration:1 hr 25 mins 48 secs

The Evidence of Predestination Pt.2


     5   Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will

We learned from last week that the evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost as an evidence is not enough to rely on in this end time hour because of the fact that we know that the rain can fall on the just and the unjust.

So by 1965 we found that the emphasis of the message began to change in focus from the traditional thinking of the evidence as being some emotional experience of the genuine Holy Ghost anointing to the evidence of having the seed of God in you by predestination, so we are not so much looking for the evidence of an experience, but the evidence of predestination, and the evidence of predestination is those who can receive the word for their age – it is “he that hath an ear, let him hear”.

And so this came as a new concept that was hard for many to grasp, especially those who have grown up in the Pentecostal era – and because of their traditional thinking, many could not receive this change of focus, and so even though people were now in the message of the hour, many still taught the old school of the Pentecostal idea of an experience as being the evidence.

*It is an experience, but that experience is when the word of your age is revealed and made clear to you by the Holy Ghost

Opening scripture


     5   Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

This word “Predestinated” = determine before - ordain (1) to predetermine, decide beforehand; in the NT of God decreeing from eternity; to foreordain, appoint beforehand

Calvinism and Arminianism – Calvinism leans heavily to grace while Arminianism leans towards the legal side of the word in your good conduct as a part of your salvation, but the problem is that both ideas when taken too far end up in error. The real true is that you are saved entirely by what God did for you and because of that your heart’s desire is to live right and pleasing to him in your conduct.

John Calvin and his successors develop Luther's doctrine of justification by faith into an emphasis based on the understanding of election and predestination, but they went out onto a limb because they thought they could just smoke and drink and almost do anything because if you are predestinated then you cannot do anything to change your predestination. They believed that if they believed in Christ, then they were justified, and that proved that they were predestinated, so because of their “Eternal security” they felt that they could still live any kind of life because nothing they could do from that point on could affect their “Eternal security”.

**I have seen that same spirit come into the message and cause all kinds of problems. But the real truth of it is that grace is what God did for you, and works is what you do for God in appreciation of His grace – the message of the hour straightens out all these loose ends.


68     It's just like, today, there is two great schools of doctrine in the church; one of them is Calvinism, the other one is Armin-... Arminianism. One of them is legalist, the other one is grace. And we come to find out that the people who believe in grace, the Calvinists, they say, "Bless God, it don't hurt me to smoke. It don't hurt me to drink. I can do these things, I've got Eternal security." Then we find the other side, on the legalist, said, "Oh, I would like to bawl him out, I would like to show him a piece of my mind, but, I'm a Christian, I have to keep still." See, you find yourself on two different roads, and neither one of them is right.

So the true understanding of Predestination was one of the “lose ends” that was to be made clear by the seventh angels message.


195     Now, that's what we was talking the other day, the evidence of the Holy Ghost. See? The evidence of the Holy Ghost is when you can receive the Word; not some system, but have a clear understand. How do you know the Word is clear, understand It? Watch It vindicate Itself.

**So when we are looking for confirmation in our personal lives to bring us into a confidence of who we are in this hour, then we have to look deeper than what was considered an evidence of a bygone age.

So we realise that the traditional evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost is to have an experience of the anointing of the genuine spirit of God, but then we found out that you can have that and still be lost, and that is the condition with many denominational people of today - but the real evidence in each age was “MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE”, and you can only hear his voice if you were a part of God in the beginning by predestination, and so there is no impersonation of this.


69   But, and look, clearly makes it clear, you will never be the Word unless you was a thought at the beginning. That proves the predestination of God. See? You can't be the Word unless you're a thought. You had to be in the thinking, first.

***You can receive the message intellectually by reasoning, but that won’t hold you for very long, it must become a revelation in your heart by the teaching of the genuine Holy Ghost.

So what identifies you as a predestinated bride member of this hour is that you can hear and receive the true prophet of God of this hour and believe the full word of this day.


How can any messenger sent from God believe only a part of the Word and deny some of it? The true prophet of God in this last day will proclaim the whole Word. Denominations will hate him. His words may be as harsh as John the Baptist who called them vipers. But the predestinated will hear and be ready for the rapture. The Royal Seed of Abraham, with like faith as Abraham's will hold to the Word with him, for they are predestinated together.

The greatest deception in this hour is not the sinner in the pub that doesn’t believe in God, he knows (or at least has an idea) where he is going when he dies, but the greatest deception in these last days are amongst the religious people that are sitting in so called Christian denominational churches believing in a trinity of three gods when God has already sent a prophet in this generation to straighten out that error, and that is why there is no excuse anymore on a dispensational level for a person to believe in such false things, because since the opening of the seven seals, God is not winking at their ignorance anymore.

ACTS 17:29-31

     29   Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

     30   And the times of this ignorance God winked at (Winked = Greek word - hupereido   {hoop-er-i'-do} - to overlook, take no notice of, not attend to)

; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (The hour came in Jesus day when the people of that time were called to repent and have a change of thought because of the word that had come in that day at the end of the Old Testament)

     31   Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

*In this day, God will also judge the world by the message of the man whom he has ordained for this hour.

The people of each age will be judged by the messenger that God sent for their age.

So during the seven church ages God winked at the ignorance of the people because the word had not yet been restored, so for the past 2000 years he has been interceding on behalf of the peoples ignorance of the truth, but since 1963 that has begun to change because the truth has come back to us again by a God sent Prophet, and so on a dispensation level, ignorance is now no court of appeal.


99-3 {212}   Now, watch real close. This is something you must get. Now, He had been doing His mediatorial work making intercessions for the believer. For two thousand years He'd been back there, a Lamb. Now, He is stepping forth from eternity to take the title deeded Book, and to break the Seals, and reveal the mysteries. When of it? At the end time. Do you get it? All right, we'll go on then.

Now, break the Seals and release all the mysteries to them--to the seventh angel whose message is to reveal all the mysteries of God. The mysteries of God lays in these Seven Seals. See? That's what He said here. All the mysteries lays in these Seven Seals. (That is what has been going on since the opening of the seven seals in 1963.

**On an age level He has opened the mysteries of the seven seals, but on a personal level (to many of the elected bride) the seals are not yet fully opened to their understanding, so since 1963 Christ has been appearing to each individual bride member and revealing himself by the opening of the word to each predestinated seed on a personal level because he deals with gentiles on a personal level and not a church level – so what he opened in 1963 on a dispensational level, he has to come around again and open it to you on a personal level in your season and walk of life, because we are all on a journey of progressive revelation)

99-5 {215}   And the Lamb comes forth now from being a Mediator between God and man; He becomes a Lion. And when He becomes a Lion, He takes the Book; that's His rights. God's held it, the mystery, but now the Lamb comes. Nobody could take the Book. It's still in the hands of God. No pope, priest, whatever it might be, they can't take no--the Book. The Seven Seals hasn't been revealed. See? But when the Mediator, when His work is done as an Intercessor, He comes forth, and John... The elder said, "He's a Lion," and He comes forth. Watch Him. Oh, my. See?

He comes forth to take the Book (Now, watch.) to reveal the mysteries of God that others has guessed at in all these denominational ages. See then, the seventh angel... If this Book, mysteries, is the Word of God, the seventh angel has to be a prophet for the Word of God to come to. No priests, popes, or anything else can get it. The Word don't come to such. The Word of God comes only to a prophet: always. Malachi 4 promised such. And when He come forth, He'd take the mysteries of God, where the church had got all scrupled up in all these denominations, and restore the faith of the children back to the fathers; and then the world judgment would strike, and the earth would be burnt; and then the righteous would walk out upon the ashes of the wicked in the millennium. You understand it now? All right.

100-1 {220}   Others had guessed at in the denominational age (church ages), but see, he must be this man, the seventh angel of Revelation 10:1-4 is a... The seventh angel has the mysteries of God given to him and finishes all the mystery been left off down through the denominational ages.


233-4 {34}   Now, he'd never noticed that before. Why? He had been back there in His--doing His mediatorial work, for He was bleeding for the people, intercessing for the people until the last soul that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world come in. There's just going to be so many of them there, and that's it. That's all. The others won't even want to come in; they have no desire to come in.

And so then when that last soul comes in, then the time of redemption is finished. Then the Lamb comes forth to claim His rights to what He has redeemed, and that's all creation. The earth and everything belongs to Him. See? He has redeemed it with His own Blood. And when He come forth to take this Book to open it, why, my, they was... John didn't weep any more. And he looked, and this Lamb was a slain Lamb. It has already been killed, but it was alive again.

He deals with the Gentiles as individuals one by one. That is why the new birth is the revelation of the word of this hour to you personally.


50     And remember, you, your eyes, your statue, whatever you was, you were in His thinking at the beginning. And the only thing that you are is the expression, word. After He thought it, He spoke it, and here you are. If it isn't, if you wasn't in His thinking, there is no way at all for you ever be there, for He is the One that gives Eternal Life.

51   You remember how we read the Scriptures? "Not him that willeth, or him that runneth, but God!" And that His predestination might stand true, He could choose, before any time, who. God is sovereign in His choosing. Did you know that? God is sovereign.

Who was back there to tell Him a better way to make the world? Who would dare to tell Him He was running His business wrong?

Even the very--the very Word, Itself, very sovereign. Even the revelation is sovereign. "He reveals to whom He will reveal." The very revelation, itself, is sovereign in God. That's how people pound at things, and jump at things, and hit at things, not knowing what they're doing. God is sovereign in His works.

52     Now we find Him at the beginning, His attributes. And, now, you were with Him then.


408-2 {120}   There's no more Blood on the seat of the--of the--of the--in the sanctuary at all. There's no more Blood on the altar. The sacrifice has been removed; and there's nothing but smoke and lightning and judgment in there. And that's just exactly what's poured out here tonight. (See?)

The Lamb's done left the--His mediatorial work. The mediatorial work has been finished from over on the throne… (this is the 6th seal which take place after the rapture of the church)

People sometimes make the mistake with these quotes in thinking that there is no more mercy after 1963 because it may seem like the Lord Jesus corporal body has left his mediatorial work in order to open the seven seals, but if we just took that side then we will have to deny the balance of the word because we know that his corporal body is still on the throne today, remember - it was not his corporal body that came down in 1963, it was the word – the person, not the body of the person, so right now he is still interceding for your personal ignorance until you as an individual come into the fullness of the revelation of the word.


34     …There's no one cares like Jesus. Knowing that His body, as a High Priest, in a mediatorial work that He's doing now, that Body must be in the Presence of God at all times, for intercession, that God cannot see the sinner's sin; He sees only the Blood of His Own Son. And knowing that, He sent back the Holy Spirit to continue to comfort His people. Does He care? Certainly, He cares. Now, He was to continue to care for the people, His people here on earth, in the same manner that He cared for them when He was here.

Christ’s corporal body remains at the right hand of the father until the final rapturing of the church and we meet him in the air, so because of this, his mediatorial work for the ignorance of the elect still goes on at a personal level until the last one comes in and we are all caught away in the rapture, but on a dispensational Laodicean church age level, once the word has been restored back again by Malachi 4’s message, then there is no more judicial legal status for the people to have an excuse to remain in a state of ignorance anymore.

**And so to try and make a rapture in this hour by a denominational level of mixed word understanding will not work – and because the word of this hour has been rejected by the denominations on a Laodicea age level, then he is not interceding for their ignorance anymore at a denominational level, and that is why this age is in total darkness and apostasy, because all the denominations have positively rejected the word for their day.

Before you can meet him in the form of his corporal body at the rapture at the last trump, you must first meet him in the form of the revelation of His word at the shout stage of the rapture cycle.


538     See what I mean? He has begin to give Life unto His Body (remember that life comes by the revealing of the word to you), (why?) the One that He has redeemed. The mediatorial work is done, He's bringing His Life to Body, in a vindication for the Rapture.

Once he reveals himself to you, then he has claimed you for himself, that is your vindication for the Rapture.


269     You're standing, completely. You never sinned at the first place. God don't even know. It's in the Sea of Forgetfulness. You never did it. You were accused of it, by the accuser. But really, from the beginning, you were predestinated to be a son and daughter of God. You're standing there, washed. And your old book of divorcement is put away, and it's dead, absolutely out of existence, even in the mind of God.

That is the evidence that we were predestinated in him from before the foundation of the world, it is not based on an emotion, but the evidence is those who can receive the revelation of the word of this hour.

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